As with furniture, plumbing, and windows, proper placement should be considered when having a new thermostat installed in your home. But why does the location matter, exactly? The premier heating and air conditioning company in the area, Climate Systems Heating and Cooling, explains the reason.

It Affects Thermostat Performance and Efficiency

The thermostat’s job is to monitor your home’s average indoor temperature, raising or lowering it according to your preferred settings. But to get more accurate information, the thermostat has to be installed in the right spot. Otherwise, it leads to “ghost readings”, which can cause your heating or air conditioning system to either operate too often or not enough. This, in turn, puts unnecessary strain on the HVAC system, resulting in uneven performance and increased energy consumption.

Where Should You Position Your Thermostat?

The thermostat should be installed in a room that you and your family often use, such as the living room, or at a central location, where there’s free air movement. The latter, in particular, maximizes the accuracy of the thermostat, and its convenient location makes it more accessible to all family members, as well. Make sure the device is placed on an interior wall, not an exterior one. That’s because exterior walls can heat up or get cold according to the weather, which can negatively affect the accuracy of the thermostat’s readings.

If you’re installing a smart thermostat, make sure its location is within range of the Wi-Fi signal. Height should also be taken into account. The thermostat should be positioned around five feet from the floor. To ensure optimal performance from your thermostat, avoid installing it in the following locations:

  • Anywhere that gets direct sunlight, such as near windows and doors

  • Near the vents or plumbing pipes

  • Around heat-generating appliances, such as lamps, TVs, and ovens.

Make Us Your Number-One Choice

Climate Systems Heating and Cooling is your trusted source of the highest-quality thermostats available today. We’ll help you get complete control of your indoor comfort with our exceptional Ecobee® smart thermostats, which are specially designed for increased energy-saving performance and accurate temperature and air quality measurements. Get in touch with us by calling (724) 935-3900 or filling out this contact form. We proudly serve homeowners and business owners in Wexford, PA, and other areas in North Pittsburgh.

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